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CT Scan

Verfasst: 01/06/2016, 15:51
von Almendra
Hi everyone,

I’d like to have the atlas realignment, I have already talked about my pains here in this forum.

But before having the atlas realignment, I’d prefer to pass a CT scan. Is somebody (atlas technicians or patients) able to tell me WHERE I can pass this exam? As I won’t get any prescription to do it, I’ll be ready to pay it.

I’m waiting for your answers, thanks a lot,

Re: CT Scan

Verfasst: 01/06/2016, 17:03
von Alexandros
Dear Almendra,

thank you for your message. We rather recommend a DVT scan. This scan has a better quality.
Where are you from Almanda? If you are near Stuttgart, you can go to this address:

Re: CT Scan

Verfasst: 03/06/2016, 15:12
von Almendra
Hi Alexandros,

Thank you very much for your answer. I’m French, I live in the west of France. Can you tell me if the DVT scan permit to see the atlas position, as well as the CT scan? Anyway, do you think I can pass this exam without prescription, for example in the center you told me, or an other one? Do you know the price of it?

Thank you for your reply,
Best regards,

Re: CT Scan

Verfasst: 06/06/2016, 11:42
von Giovanni
Bonjour Almendra,

pour repondre a votre question, le DVT donne des resultat plus precis, mais le CT est suffisant pour voire la position de l´Atlas.
Le DVT coute 200-300 €uro en Allemagne.Il n est pas necesaire d avoir un prescription, car il vous faut le payer vous meme.


Re: CT Scan

Verfasst: 07/06/2016, 15:47
von Almendra
Bonjour Giovanni,

Merci pour votre réponse, en plus en français :) Je vais tout de même vous répondre en anglais pour qu'un maximum de gens puissent comprendre la conversation.

Thank you for the reply, the information you give is very important. Do you know if I could do the same in Switzerland (I mean ask for passing a CT scan without prescription)? Is it the same cost (about 200-300 euros)?

Indeed, I think it would be convenient for me to do everything in Switzerland, as I don't speak german at all. It could be difficult if I have to go to Deutschland.

Thank you very much,
Best regards,