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Studie ĂĽber zusammenhang von Atlasfehlstellung und MS

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Studie ĂĽber zusammenhang von Atlasfehlstellung und MS

C1-C2 X-Ray assessment of misalignment parameters in patients with Chronic Cerebra-spinal Venous Insufficiency and Multiple Sclerosis versus patients with other pathologies.
Mandolesi S, Marceca G, d'Alessandro A, Desogus A, Ciccone MM, Zito A, Manconi E, Niglio T, Mandolesi D, d'Alessandro A, Fedele F.
Abstractin English, Italian

The complete compression of the internal jugular veins, in front position, shows a prevalence of 48% and it is equally distributed in the various segments of these veins in patients with Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The aim of this search is to identify radiological dislocation of C1-C2 as specific markers in patients with CCSVI and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

We investigated 386 patients suffering from CCSVI and Multiple Sclerosis and a control group of 156 patients without MS.

The assessment of Anterior Intrusion shows the following average values: in the group with CCSVI and MS: 4.29 ±1.48 mm while in the control group: 3.78 ±1.45 mm (p = 0.0008).The evaluation of the Right Laterality shows the following average values: in group with CCSVI and MS: 2.31±1.41 mm, in control group: 1.97 ±1.28 mm (p = 0.0426). We found also that a longer duration of the disease corresponds to a higher severity of the pathological condition (p <0.0001).

Data analysis of C1-C2 X-Ray parameters shows statistical significance of severe anterior intrusion and right laterality misalignment in the people with CCSVI and MS, that are two to three times more frequent as compared to controls. Considering the novelty of this work and the total absence of scientific similar works able to confirm this data, it is necessary to continue these studies in order to improve the clinical management of these patients and to perform therapeutic strategies based on venous decompressive treatments both surgical that manipulatives.

CCSVI, Multiple Sclerosis, Venous Compressive syndrome, X-Ray C1-C2.
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