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GLUKOSAMIN & CHONDROITIN: Nahrung fĂĽr die Gelenke
GLUKOSAMIN & CHONDROITIN: Nahrung fĂĽr die Gelenke
Der Klassiker fĂĽr gesunde Gelenke. Hilft wirksam gegen Arthrose.
Die Knochen sind im Gelenkbereich von einer glatten, festen Masse, dem Knorpel, überzogen. Knorpel ist eine spezielle Form von verdichtetem Bindegewebe, das auf die ständige Versorgung mit Chondroitin und Glukosamin angewiesen ist, um sich zu regenerieren und um nicht auszutrocknen. Die meisten Gelenkbeschwerden beruhen direkt oder indirekt auf einem Mangel an Glukosamin und/oder Chondroitin.
Was ist Glukosamin?
Glukosamin (auch Glucosamin oder Glucosamine) ist der Grundbaustoff für alle Knorpel, Bänder, Sehnen und Knochenstrukturen. Glukosamin spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Reparatur und dem Wiederaufbau geschädigter Knorpel in den Gelenken und der Wirbelsäule. Je mehr Glukosamin dem Körper zu Verfügung steht, desto mehr Knorpelmasse kann er produzieren. Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt die körpereigene Glukosaminproduktion ab. Dies hat zur Folge, dass die Gelenke quasi „austrocknen“. Knorpelmasse wird schlecht ernährt sowie ungleichmäßig aufgebaut und kleine Verletzungen heilen nicht mehr von selbst.
Was ist Chondroitin?
Auch Chondroitin ist ein sehr wichtiger Knorpelbestandteil. Seine bioaktive Form (das sog. Chondroitinsulfat) bindet große Mengen Wasser im Bindegewebe und gibt ihm dadurch seine Elastizität und seine stoßdämpfenden Eigenschaften. Es verleiht dem Gelenkknorpel seine Struktur und ist mitverantwortlich für seine hohe Wasserbindungskapazität und seine Durchlässigkeit für Nährstoffe. Bei einer Unterversorgung mit Chondroitin gelangen nicht ausreichend Nährstoffe in den Knorpel, was dazu führt, dass seine Zellen austrocknen, schrumpfen und schließlich absterben. Ergebnis: Der Knorpel degeneriert und kann seine stossdämpfende Wirkung nicht mehr erfüllen.
Mit zunehmendem Alter verliert der Körper seine Fähigkeit, ausreichend Glukosamin und Chondroitin selber zu produzieren, was dazu führt, das der Knorpel durch Belastung schneller abgebaut wird als neuer Knorpel aufgebaut werden kann. Diese Degeneration des Gelenkknorpels wird als "Arthrose" bezeichnet. Zudem wird mit den Jahren immer weniger Gelenkflüssigkeit gebildet. Hierdurch wird das Gelenk nicht mehr richtig "geschmiert". Zusammen mit dem Knorpelschwund führt dies zu Gelenkverformungen, Entzündungen, Schwellungen, Steifigkeit und starken Schmerzen. Resultat ist eine eingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit und sogar teilweise völliger Funktionsverlust der Gelenke.
Oft kann der Krankheitsverlauf durch die Einnahme von Glukosamin und Chondroitin verzögert und teilweise sogar umgekehrt werden, denn Knorpel, Bänder und Sehnen sind lebende Materie und deshalb auch regenerationsfähig. Der Körper wird in die Lage versetzt, bestehende Gelenkschäden zu reparieren und möglichen Abnutzungserscheinungen vorzubeugen.
Da Glukosamin und Chondroitin natürlicherweise im Körper vorkommen bieten sie eine willkommene Alternative zu traditionellen Medikamenten wie Kortisonpräparaten und Schmerzmitteln. Herkömmliche Medikamente bekämpfen i.d.R. nur die Symptome, tragen aber nichts zur Heilung bei. Der Abbau der Knorpelsubstanz wird durch sie weder aufgehalten noch rückgängig gemacht. Außerdem führen alle diese Präparate auf Dauer zu oft gravierenden Nebenwirkungen. Es wird sogar vermutet, dass Kortison langfristig zu Gelenkdegeneration beitragen kann.
Wer diese beiden natĂĽrlichen Stoffe einsetzt ,um seine Gelenkbeschwerden in den Griff zu bekommen, sollte Geduld haben. Es kann einige Wochen oder Monate dauern, bis die Knorpelmasse sich soweit regeneriert hat, dass die Beschwerden verschwinden. Aber die Geduld lohnt sich, denn besser funktionierende Gelenke bedeuten ein schmerzfreieres, vitaleres, gesĂĽnderes Leben!
SAM-e (S-Adenosylmethionin) ist eine natürliche Nahrungsergänzung, die mehrere verschiedene Funktionen erfüllt. In erster Linie hat SAM-e positive Effekte bei Gelenkserkrankungen wie Arthrose, Arthritis oder Rheuma. Zudem wirkt es als Stimmungsaufheller und steigert das Wohlbefinden, wodurch sich SAM-e international einen Namen als natürliches Antidepressivum gemacht hat. Auch auf die Leberfunktion und das Gehirn kann es positiv einwirken und zudem den Schlaf verbessern. Mehr als 70 internationale Studien belegen die positive Wirkung von SAM-e auf Gelenke, Stimmung, Leber und Gehirn.
SAM-e, ist ein wichtiges Schlüsselprodukt im Stoffwechsel der Aminosäure Methionin und ist im Körper an mehr als 35 verschiedenen Prozessen beteiligt. SAM-e wurde 1952 in Italien entdeckt, aber erst in den letzten Jahren wurde seine Bedeutung als Nahrungsergänzung erkannt. SAM-e kann die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren, dort wo die verschiedensten Proteine entstehen und aktiviert werden, so auch Neurotransmitter. SAM-e als Botenstoff, spielt deshalb eine wichtige Rolle für die Zellkommunikation.
SAM-e fĂĽr gesunde Gelenke
Die positiven Auswirkungen von SAM-e bei Gelenkverschleiß sowie Arthrose, Arthritis und Rheuma wurde in zahlreichen Studien belegt. So stellten italienische Forscher fest, dass SAM-e den Aufbau der Knorpelsubstanz stimuliert. Die Verbesserung der klinischen Symptome wie Morgensteifheit, Schmerz im Ruhezustand und Schmerz in Bewegung während der Therapie mit SAM-e waren bereits in den ersten Wochen der Behandlung offensichtlich.
SAM-e als Stimmungsaufheller
SAM-e kann helfen, sich körperlich und emotional besser zu fühlen, da es dazu beiträgt, Glückshormone vermehrt auszuschütten. Wegen dieser Eigenschaft gilt SAM-e als wirksame natürliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Anti-Depressiva. Da es ein natürlicher körpereigener Wirkstoff ist, sind die Nebenwirkungen entsprechend gering, wenn man überhaupt von solchen sprechen will, denn im Grunde handelt es sich um positive Begleiterscheinungen wie verbesserte kognitive Funktionen, Schutz des Leberstoffwechsels und wahrscheinlich allgemeine Verlangsamung des Alterungsprozesses. Die Wirkung setzt schnell ein.
Falls bei Ihnen eine Depression oder bipolare Störung diagnostiziert wurde, so halten Sie vor der Einnahme von SAM-e Rücksprache mit dem behandelnden Arzt.
Celadrin® ist ein entzündungshemmender Komplex aus kohlenstoffhaltigen esterifizierten Fettsäuren (Myristinsäure, Myristoleinsäure, Oleinsäure, Palmitoleinsäure, Palmitinsäure, Laurinsäure, Caprinsäure (Decansäure), Stearinsäure), der speziell entwickelt wurde, um Gelenkschmerzen ohne Nebenwirkungen zu reduzieren. Im Gegensatz zu anderen chondroprotektiven (knorpelschützenden) Nährstoffen reagiert Celadrin® sehr schnell auf die Entzündungen in den Gelenken und weist kumulative Heileffekte auf. Celadrin® senkt auch die Produktion des Interleukins-6 (IL-6) und kontrolliert die anderen Immunfaktoren, die für die Entzündung verantwortlich sind. Und schliesslich verbessert Celadrin® ebenfalls die Plastizität und die Elastizität des Bindegewebes in Knorpel, Bändern, Sehnen und Muskeln. Celadrin® ist eine völlig natürliche und ungiftige Verbindung, welche Schmerzen und Entzündungen schnell reduziert und die Mobilität der Gelenke bei Arthritis und Arthrose verbessert. Aufgrund seiner entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften wirkt es auch gegen Psoriasis / Schuppenflechte.
Der Klassiker fĂĽr gesunde Gelenke. Hilft wirksam gegen Arthrose.
Die Knochen sind im Gelenkbereich von einer glatten, festen Masse, dem Knorpel, überzogen. Knorpel ist eine spezielle Form von verdichtetem Bindegewebe, das auf die ständige Versorgung mit Chondroitin und Glukosamin angewiesen ist, um sich zu regenerieren und um nicht auszutrocknen. Die meisten Gelenkbeschwerden beruhen direkt oder indirekt auf einem Mangel an Glukosamin und/oder Chondroitin.
Was ist Glukosamin?
Glukosamin (auch Glucosamin oder Glucosamine) ist der Grundbaustoff für alle Knorpel, Bänder, Sehnen und Knochenstrukturen. Glukosamin spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Reparatur und dem Wiederaufbau geschädigter Knorpel in den Gelenken und der Wirbelsäule. Je mehr Glukosamin dem Körper zu Verfügung steht, desto mehr Knorpelmasse kann er produzieren. Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt die körpereigene Glukosaminproduktion ab. Dies hat zur Folge, dass die Gelenke quasi „austrocknen“. Knorpelmasse wird schlecht ernährt sowie ungleichmäßig aufgebaut und kleine Verletzungen heilen nicht mehr von selbst.
Was ist Chondroitin?
Auch Chondroitin ist ein sehr wichtiger Knorpelbestandteil. Seine bioaktive Form (das sog. Chondroitinsulfat) bindet große Mengen Wasser im Bindegewebe und gibt ihm dadurch seine Elastizität und seine stoßdämpfenden Eigenschaften. Es verleiht dem Gelenkknorpel seine Struktur und ist mitverantwortlich für seine hohe Wasserbindungskapazität und seine Durchlässigkeit für Nährstoffe. Bei einer Unterversorgung mit Chondroitin gelangen nicht ausreichend Nährstoffe in den Knorpel, was dazu führt, dass seine Zellen austrocknen, schrumpfen und schließlich absterben. Ergebnis: Der Knorpel degeneriert und kann seine stossdämpfende Wirkung nicht mehr erfüllen.
Mit zunehmendem Alter verliert der Körper seine Fähigkeit, ausreichend Glukosamin und Chondroitin selber zu produzieren, was dazu führt, das der Knorpel durch Belastung schneller abgebaut wird als neuer Knorpel aufgebaut werden kann. Diese Degeneration des Gelenkknorpels wird als "Arthrose" bezeichnet. Zudem wird mit den Jahren immer weniger Gelenkflüssigkeit gebildet. Hierdurch wird das Gelenk nicht mehr richtig "geschmiert". Zusammen mit dem Knorpelschwund führt dies zu Gelenkverformungen, Entzündungen, Schwellungen, Steifigkeit und starken Schmerzen. Resultat ist eine eingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit und sogar teilweise völliger Funktionsverlust der Gelenke.
Oft kann der Krankheitsverlauf durch die Einnahme von Glukosamin und Chondroitin verzögert und teilweise sogar umgekehrt werden, denn Knorpel, Bänder und Sehnen sind lebende Materie und deshalb auch regenerationsfähig. Der Körper wird in die Lage versetzt, bestehende Gelenkschäden zu reparieren und möglichen Abnutzungserscheinungen vorzubeugen.
Da Glukosamin und Chondroitin natürlicherweise im Körper vorkommen bieten sie eine willkommene Alternative zu traditionellen Medikamenten wie Kortisonpräparaten und Schmerzmitteln. Herkömmliche Medikamente bekämpfen i.d.R. nur die Symptome, tragen aber nichts zur Heilung bei. Der Abbau der Knorpelsubstanz wird durch sie weder aufgehalten noch rückgängig gemacht. Außerdem führen alle diese Präparate auf Dauer zu oft gravierenden Nebenwirkungen. Es wird sogar vermutet, dass Kortison langfristig zu Gelenkdegeneration beitragen kann.
Wer diese beiden natĂĽrlichen Stoffe einsetzt ,um seine Gelenkbeschwerden in den Griff zu bekommen, sollte Geduld haben. Es kann einige Wochen oder Monate dauern, bis die Knorpelmasse sich soweit regeneriert hat, dass die Beschwerden verschwinden. Aber die Geduld lohnt sich, denn besser funktionierende Gelenke bedeuten ein schmerzfreieres, vitaleres, gesĂĽnderes Leben!
SAM-e (S-Adenosylmethionin) ist eine natürliche Nahrungsergänzung, die mehrere verschiedene Funktionen erfüllt. In erster Linie hat SAM-e positive Effekte bei Gelenkserkrankungen wie Arthrose, Arthritis oder Rheuma. Zudem wirkt es als Stimmungsaufheller und steigert das Wohlbefinden, wodurch sich SAM-e international einen Namen als natürliches Antidepressivum gemacht hat. Auch auf die Leberfunktion und das Gehirn kann es positiv einwirken und zudem den Schlaf verbessern. Mehr als 70 internationale Studien belegen die positive Wirkung von SAM-e auf Gelenke, Stimmung, Leber und Gehirn.
SAM-e, ist ein wichtiges Schlüsselprodukt im Stoffwechsel der Aminosäure Methionin und ist im Körper an mehr als 35 verschiedenen Prozessen beteiligt. SAM-e wurde 1952 in Italien entdeckt, aber erst in den letzten Jahren wurde seine Bedeutung als Nahrungsergänzung erkannt. SAM-e kann die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren, dort wo die verschiedensten Proteine entstehen und aktiviert werden, so auch Neurotransmitter. SAM-e als Botenstoff, spielt deshalb eine wichtige Rolle für die Zellkommunikation.
SAM-e fĂĽr gesunde Gelenke
Die positiven Auswirkungen von SAM-e bei Gelenkverschleiß sowie Arthrose, Arthritis und Rheuma wurde in zahlreichen Studien belegt. So stellten italienische Forscher fest, dass SAM-e den Aufbau der Knorpelsubstanz stimuliert. Die Verbesserung der klinischen Symptome wie Morgensteifheit, Schmerz im Ruhezustand und Schmerz in Bewegung während der Therapie mit SAM-e waren bereits in den ersten Wochen der Behandlung offensichtlich.
SAM-e als Stimmungsaufheller
SAM-e kann helfen, sich körperlich und emotional besser zu fühlen, da es dazu beiträgt, Glückshormone vermehrt auszuschütten. Wegen dieser Eigenschaft gilt SAM-e als wirksame natürliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Anti-Depressiva. Da es ein natürlicher körpereigener Wirkstoff ist, sind die Nebenwirkungen entsprechend gering, wenn man überhaupt von solchen sprechen will, denn im Grunde handelt es sich um positive Begleiterscheinungen wie verbesserte kognitive Funktionen, Schutz des Leberstoffwechsels und wahrscheinlich allgemeine Verlangsamung des Alterungsprozesses. Die Wirkung setzt schnell ein.
Falls bei Ihnen eine Depression oder bipolare Störung diagnostiziert wurde, so halten Sie vor der Einnahme von SAM-e Rücksprache mit dem behandelnden Arzt.
Celadrin® ist ein entzündungshemmender Komplex aus kohlenstoffhaltigen esterifizierten Fettsäuren (Myristinsäure, Myristoleinsäure, Oleinsäure, Palmitoleinsäure, Palmitinsäure, Laurinsäure, Caprinsäure (Decansäure), Stearinsäure), der speziell entwickelt wurde, um Gelenkschmerzen ohne Nebenwirkungen zu reduzieren. Im Gegensatz zu anderen chondroprotektiven (knorpelschützenden) Nährstoffen reagiert Celadrin® sehr schnell auf die Entzündungen in den Gelenken und weist kumulative Heileffekte auf. Celadrin® senkt auch die Produktion des Interleukins-6 (IL-6) und kontrolliert die anderen Immunfaktoren, die für die Entzündung verantwortlich sind. Und schliesslich verbessert Celadrin® ebenfalls die Plastizität und die Elastizität des Bindegewebes in Knorpel, Bändern, Sehnen und Muskeln. Celadrin® ist eine völlig natürliche und ungiftige Verbindung, welche Schmerzen und Entzündungen schnell reduziert und die Mobilität der Gelenke bei Arthritis und Arthrose verbessert. Aufgrund seiner entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften wirkt es auch gegen Psoriasis / Schuppenflechte.
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Studie ĂĽber CMO
CMO cetyl myristoleate
An informal human study was undertaken at a facility called the San Diego Clinic in late 1995. It was conducted by Dr. Len Sands, Ph.D. It started with some stated objectives:
1. What are the optimum dosage levels for treating the various types of arthritis with CMO?
2. Are different dosages important relative to the different types of arthritis?
3. What is the lag time between the start of the treatment and the expected relief of symptoms?
4. What percentage of patients respond to the treatment?
5. What factors, if any, contribute to non-responsiveness?
The study was conducted with 48 volunteer patients who had (OA) osteoarthritis, (RA) rheumatoid, and (PA) psoriatic arthritis. The group was comprised of 28 females and 20 males ranging from 32 to 82 years of age. All races and all ethnic backgrounds were represented. Age, gender, race and ethnic background appeared to be irrelevant to the results of the program.
CMO was administered orally in the form of 385 mg capsules. The number of capsules and duration of treatment varied for each group. The final protocol will be found later in this study.
At the end of each trial an evaluation was made using three parameters; inflammation, pain and motion. All but four of the subjects in the studies reported 80% to 100% return of articular mobility as well as 70% to 100% decrease in pain. Probably the most interesting finding was that the relief of inflammation frequently resulted in partial correcting of the deformities. In some cases it resulted in complete corrections. At the end of the entire study, only two subjects said they had failed to notice any change. An examination confirmed no changes in the pair. These two non-responders had prior hepatic problems, one from alcohol abuse resulting in cirrhosis of the liver and the other had abused steroids for the purpose of bodybuilding. It was concluded, then, that liver damage may have been the cause of the failures. This could, at least, be a working hypothesis for future study. Two other patients showed less than 75% return of articular mobility.
During the entire study and follow-up, there were no discernible side effects.
This was an informal and independent trial at a private medical clinic. It was undertaken by an individual doctor and other professionals without funding from the government or drug companies. Clinical studies such as these point out fruitful directions for future studies.
Eleven (11) subjects, was comprised of mild to moderately severe osteoarthritis, including one case of reactive psoriatic arthritis. The eleven subjects took two capsules of CMO twice daily for five days and quit. That was the entire treatment.
Nine of the patients reported 20% to 30% improvement in articulation and inflammation and about 40% to 50% relief of arthritic pain within 36 hours. Improvements, in the same nine, continued rapidly for the next 60 hours, reaching 80% to 100% overall relief by the end of four days. The two remaining subjects reported a 70% to 80% improvement by the end of the fourth day, and both of them continued to see improvements over the next week even though they were no longer on the capsules.
Half of this entire group experienced a return of some mild arthritic symptoms after about 3 to 5 weeks following the study. All of them were re
The patient with reactive psoriatic arthritis also experienced an almost complete reversal of his arthritis as well as his associated severe psoriatic skin condition which affected about 20% of his total skin area.
Nine patients (9) with severe rheumatoid arthritis were grouped together for a second study. Four patients in this group required wheelchairs. One of the patients was on crutches because of a hip fusion. The remaining 4 needed walkers or canes. All of them had pain, inflammation and marked deformations of all the joints in the fingers as well as restriction of motion. Five had some permanent lower back flexion as well as back pain. All of the patients in this study had difficulty grasping and manipulation common objects.
The dosage schedule was two 385 mg capsules twice a day for 7 days, then stop for 7 days and then resume for 5 and 1/2 days.
Within three days, six in this group reported a 30% to 50% decrease in pain. Three of the six noticed increased joint mobility, and another three subjects reported little change. In 7 days, five of the patients had a 70% to 90% decrease in pain and 70% to 80% improvement in joint mobility. Three reported themselves to be totally free of pain with almost complete return of joint mobility. The joint deformations which were previously severe seemed to show marked improvement. Only one failed to show changes.
After they had been off treatment for a week, roughly half said they had seen further improvements, but most of it was minor. Two of the patients stayed the same. There was no improvement in the individual who had not seen improvement from the start. They were then re-treated for another 5 days. By the end of the treatment period all but two subjects reported themselves to be 90% free of pain, with 70% to 90% improvement in joint mobility. The non
Group 3 consisted of 14 subjects with severe rheumatoid arthritis. They were given two 385 mg capsules of CMO twice a day for six days and then nothing. After three days, eleven out of this group had 40% to 50% improvement in articulation and inflammation and 40% to 50% improvement in arthritic pain. All improved rapidly over the next four days, approaching 80% to 100% level. The remaining three had 70% to 80% improvement after seven days,
Most of the subjects continued to experience minor improvement during the first week off the treatment. Six patients, however, noticed some minor recurrence three or four weeks after the treatment and were re-treated in the same manner. Their symptoms disappeared.
The fourth group organized contained 14 subjects severely crippled with osteoarthritis. They each took two 385 mg capsules of CMO twice a day for seven days, then off seven days, then back on for five and a half days.
At the onset, three of this group were unable to walk and required wheelchairs. The other eleven used walkers, canes or crutches. All of the patients in this group had pain, inflammation and deformations throughout their hands and fingers. Four of the patients had severely limited movement of their backs and lower back pain. Ten had difficulty grasping and holding objects.
Four days later, ten of the patients reported a 30% to 50% improvement in movement and lessening of inflammation. 40% to 50% of their pain was gone. Ten of them continued to see Improvement over the next 3 days. In seven days they were 80% to 100% better. One subject showed no change.
On the 14th day, at the end of their week off treatment, 9 had continued to feel improvements. Four stayed the same and the one who had failed to improve before stayed the same.
They re-started the CMO again for five and a half more days. At the end of the treatment, eleven had 80% to 100% improvement in pain and mobility. Two had 70% to 80% improvement in mobility and 70% to 90% lessening of pain. One patient, the same as before, experienced no relief.
The optimal dosage level appears to be equal for all three types of arthritis:
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis. This is evidenced by the gradual return of minor arthritic symptoms in several of those treated with only 16 to 24 capsules, and no regression in those treated with 50 capsules in two series separated by one week without treatment.
Dosage level requirements appear to be equal irrespective of the severity of the subject's condition.
Initial response time for minor improvement appears to vary from two to seven days irrespective of the severity of the subject's condition.
The time for maximum attainable response appears to be from seven to twenty-one days, resulting in 70% to 100% overall improvement. (Apart from the study three of the most severely afflicted subjects were treated again after a five week interval resulting in an additional 10% to 20% overall improvement.)
The two non-responding subjects both proved to have suffered previous damage to the liver from steroid or alcohol abuse, indicating that impaired liver function may preclude success with this protocol. In addition, it was evident that for many subjects the relief of inflammation resulted in marked improvement in joint deformation.
There were no side effects of the treatment noted by the subjects or the doctors.
Some of the patients were not entirely happy with 70% improvement and so were re-treated 5 weeks later. In general, they benefited another 10% to 20%.
There are, in addition to these studies, hundreds of testimonials and success stories. And the success rate in most cases, if you count success as being a substantial improvement in symptoms, is an astonishing 98% and all of this without risk to the patient.
This concludes these studies and their results.
Subject: Heart Disease Relative to CMO
There have been no formal studies conducted with respect to the effects of CMO on individuals with heart disease.
However, considering that CMO is a naturally derived nutritional supplement that has shown to help normalize various physiological and immunological body processes in humans, and since it appears to be completely non
On the contrary, we have received interesting reports regarding persons with certain other ailments who have taken CMO for arthritis as recommended by their physicians and other health care professionals.
1. There have been reports on individuals suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) whose blood pressure has completely normalized or lowered substantially.
2. There have been reports of individuals suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) whose blood pressure has completely normalized or raised substantially.
3. There have been reports of individuals with high and even extremely high blood sedi-mentation rates whose sed rates have normalized, even in Lupus patients.
4. There have been reports of individuals with cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat rhythm) whose arrhythmia has disappeared.
Those reports are not the result of any formal study. They have been noted from comments provided to us by professionals who have been surprised at these secondary benefits of CMO which they have encountered in their patients during the treatment for arthritis. This tendency by CMO to normalize body processes confirms that it functions as an immunomodulator.
It must not be assumed that other patients will enjoy these same secondary benefits. No formal studies have been conducted to confirm that these benefits are repeatable on a consistent basis.
It must be emphasized that any individual with a serious ailment or condition of any sort should consult with and be closely monitored by their relevant health care professional any time that person undertakes any sort of therapeutic or even nutritional program.
January 1997
Subject: CMOTM . and Horses
Our very first experience with horses involved a 19-year-old dressage stallion who is considered to be the best stud horse of that kind on the East Coast. The owners were distressed that the stallion was so severely afflicted with arthritis that he was unable to move out of his stall, much less participate in dressage practice or performances. In addition, the horse was not able to rest well because of the arthritic pain. Equally distressing was the fact that he could no longer perform his breeding duties without resorting to complicated artificial insemination procedures. We are happy to report that after the administration of four bottles of CMO the stallion was waking in the morning refreshed and free of pain and able to practice its dressage maneuvers.
Furthermore tic returned quite comfortably to breeding in the natural way. Needless to say, the owners were overjoyed - and we bet the stallion was too.
Another interesting case involved a 14-year-old mare who had become too lame to walk. In all three years of working with the horse, her trainer found that she had never been able to canter and sometimes just barely managed to trot. The mare had very distinct bulging in the tendons her lower front legs. After two bottles of CMO, the horse was no longer lame and the swollen bulges had disappeared. The mare was able to trot comfortably and even canter again for the first time in years. On a ten point scale estimating pain relief and mobility, the trainer estimated that the horse had improved form a 2.5 level before CMO to a 7.5 level after.
More subtle improvements were evident in a case involving another dressage horse that was progressively becoming more and more resistant to a right lead. In this instance the trainer had already experienced great results with CMO for her own neck and shoulder problems, probably the result of being hauled around an arena by 1000 pound animals for so many years. So why not try CMO on the horse as well? Even before finishing the second bottle the horse lost all resistance to the right lead and showed a marked increase in fluidity of motion which is so important in dressage work.
One horse was conclusively diagnosed as suffering from arthritis by x-ray which clearly revealed the presence of arthritic bone spurs. After administering three bottles of CMO the owner reports that the bone spurs have decreased in size and are disappearing. We are hoping soon to support the visual evaluation with X-Ray confirmation as well.
We recently submitted blood samples of a horse undergoing treatment with CMO for the standard analysis required on the show horse circuit in California. Nothing unusual appeared in the analysis.
Administering CMO to horses call sometimes be a problem with finicky caters. Some owners use a ball gun with great success, but some owners prefer to mix the contents of the capsules in with something of which the horse is particularly fond. Some find that applesauce works well. Others like grated carrots and apples. A commercial oat and molasses mixture often works well too. About 20 capsules a day seem to work well for an average size horse.
CMO has been effective an cats, dogs, hamsters, and pot-bellied pigs for arthritis and hip dysplasia as well. Small animals need only one capsule daily. Two capsules daily for each 50 pounds of body weight.
An informal human study was undertaken at a facility called the San Diego Clinic in late 1995. It was conducted by Dr. Len Sands, Ph.D. It started with some stated objectives:
1. What are the optimum dosage levels for treating the various types of arthritis with CMO?
2. Are different dosages important relative to the different types of arthritis?
3. What is the lag time between the start of the treatment and the expected relief of symptoms?
4. What percentage of patients respond to the treatment?
5. What factors, if any, contribute to non-responsiveness?
The study was conducted with 48 volunteer patients who had (OA) osteoarthritis, (RA) rheumatoid, and (PA) psoriatic arthritis. The group was comprised of 28 females and 20 males ranging from 32 to 82 years of age. All races and all ethnic backgrounds were represented. Age, gender, race and ethnic background appeared to be irrelevant to the results of the program.
CMO was administered orally in the form of 385 mg capsules. The number of capsules and duration of treatment varied for each group. The final protocol will be found later in this study.
At the end of each trial an evaluation was made using three parameters; inflammation, pain and motion. All but four of the subjects in the studies reported 80% to 100% return of articular mobility as well as 70% to 100% decrease in pain. Probably the most interesting finding was that the relief of inflammation frequently resulted in partial correcting of the deformities. In some cases it resulted in complete corrections. At the end of the entire study, only two subjects said they had failed to notice any change. An examination confirmed no changes in the pair. These two non-responders had prior hepatic problems, one from alcohol abuse resulting in cirrhosis of the liver and the other had abused steroids for the purpose of bodybuilding. It was concluded, then, that liver damage may have been the cause of the failures. This could, at least, be a working hypothesis for future study. Two other patients showed less than 75% return of articular mobility.
During the entire study and follow-up, there were no discernible side effects.
This was an informal and independent trial at a private medical clinic. It was undertaken by an individual doctor and other professionals without funding from the government or drug companies. Clinical studies such as these point out fruitful directions for future studies.
Eleven (11) subjects, was comprised of mild to moderately severe osteoarthritis, including one case of reactive psoriatic arthritis. The eleven subjects took two capsules of CMO twice daily for five days and quit. That was the entire treatment.
Nine of the patients reported 20% to 30% improvement in articulation and inflammation and about 40% to 50% relief of arthritic pain within 36 hours. Improvements, in the same nine, continued rapidly for the next 60 hours, reaching 80% to 100% overall relief by the end of four days. The two remaining subjects reported a 70% to 80% improvement by the end of the fourth day, and both of them continued to see improvements over the next week even though they were no longer on the capsules.
Half of this entire group experienced a return of some mild arthritic symptoms after about 3 to 5 weeks following the study. All of them were re
The patient with reactive psoriatic arthritis also experienced an almost complete reversal of his arthritis as well as his associated severe psoriatic skin condition which affected about 20% of his total skin area.
Nine patients (9) with severe rheumatoid arthritis were grouped together for a second study. Four patients in this group required wheelchairs. One of the patients was on crutches because of a hip fusion. The remaining 4 needed walkers or canes. All of them had pain, inflammation and marked deformations of all the joints in the fingers as well as restriction of motion. Five had some permanent lower back flexion as well as back pain. All of the patients in this study had difficulty grasping and manipulation common objects.
The dosage schedule was two 385 mg capsules twice a day for 7 days, then stop for 7 days and then resume for 5 and 1/2 days.
Within three days, six in this group reported a 30% to 50% decrease in pain. Three of the six noticed increased joint mobility, and another three subjects reported little change. In 7 days, five of the patients had a 70% to 90% decrease in pain and 70% to 80% improvement in joint mobility. Three reported themselves to be totally free of pain with almost complete return of joint mobility. The joint deformations which were previously severe seemed to show marked improvement. Only one failed to show changes.
After they had been off treatment for a week, roughly half said they had seen further improvements, but most of it was minor. Two of the patients stayed the same. There was no improvement in the individual who had not seen improvement from the start. They were then re-treated for another 5 days. By the end of the treatment period all but two subjects reported themselves to be 90% free of pain, with 70% to 90% improvement in joint mobility. The non
Group 3 consisted of 14 subjects with severe rheumatoid arthritis. They were given two 385 mg capsules of CMO twice a day for six days and then nothing. After three days, eleven out of this group had 40% to 50% improvement in articulation and inflammation and 40% to 50% improvement in arthritic pain. All improved rapidly over the next four days, approaching 80% to 100% level. The remaining three had 70% to 80% improvement after seven days,
Most of the subjects continued to experience minor improvement during the first week off the treatment. Six patients, however, noticed some minor recurrence three or four weeks after the treatment and were re-treated in the same manner. Their symptoms disappeared.
The fourth group organized contained 14 subjects severely crippled with osteoarthritis. They each took two 385 mg capsules of CMO twice a day for seven days, then off seven days, then back on for five and a half days.
At the onset, three of this group were unable to walk and required wheelchairs. The other eleven used walkers, canes or crutches. All of the patients in this group had pain, inflammation and deformations throughout their hands and fingers. Four of the patients had severely limited movement of their backs and lower back pain. Ten had difficulty grasping and holding objects.
Four days later, ten of the patients reported a 30% to 50% improvement in movement and lessening of inflammation. 40% to 50% of their pain was gone. Ten of them continued to see Improvement over the next 3 days. In seven days they were 80% to 100% better. One subject showed no change.
On the 14th day, at the end of their week off treatment, 9 had continued to feel improvements. Four stayed the same and the one who had failed to improve before stayed the same.
They re-started the CMO again for five and a half more days. At the end of the treatment, eleven had 80% to 100% improvement in pain and mobility. Two had 70% to 80% improvement in mobility and 70% to 90% lessening of pain. One patient, the same as before, experienced no relief.
The optimal dosage level appears to be equal for all three types of arthritis:
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis. This is evidenced by the gradual return of minor arthritic symptoms in several of those treated with only 16 to 24 capsules, and no regression in those treated with 50 capsules in two series separated by one week without treatment.
Dosage level requirements appear to be equal irrespective of the severity of the subject's condition.
Initial response time for minor improvement appears to vary from two to seven days irrespective of the severity of the subject's condition.
The time for maximum attainable response appears to be from seven to twenty-one days, resulting in 70% to 100% overall improvement. (Apart from the study three of the most severely afflicted subjects were treated again after a five week interval resulting in an additional 10% to 20% overall improvement.)
The two non-responding subjects both proved to have suffered previous damage to the liver from steroid or alcohol abuse, indicating that impaired liver function may preclude success with this protocol. In addition, it was evident that for many subjects the relief of inflammation resulted in marked improvement in joint deformation.
There were no side effects of the treatment noted by the subjects or the doctors.
Some of the patients were not entirely happy with 70% improvement and so were re-treated 5 weeks later. In general, they benefited another 10% to 20%.
There are, in addition to these studies, hundreds of testimonials and success stories. And the success rate in most cases, if you count success as being a substantial improvement in symptoms, is an astonishing 98% and all of this without risk to the patient.
This concludes these studies and their results.
Subject: Heart Disease Relative to CMO
There have been no formal studies conducted with respect to the effects of CMO on individuals with heart disease.
However, considering that CMO is a naturally derived nutritional supplement that has shown to help normalize various physiological and immunological body processes in humans, and since it appears to be completely non
On the contrary, we have received interesting reports regarding persons with certain other ailments who have taken CMO for arthritis as recommended by their physicians and other health care professionals.
1. There have been reports on individuals suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) whose blood pressure has completely normalized or lowered substantially.
2. There have been reports of individuals suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) whose blood pressure has completely normalized or raised substantially.
3. There have been reports of individuals with high and even extremely high blood sedi-mentation rates whose sed rates have normalized, even in Lupus patients.
4. There have been reports of individuals with cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat rhythm) whose arrhythmia has disappeared.
Those reports are not the result of any formal study. They have been noted from comments provided to us by professionals who have been surprised at these secondary benefits of CMO which they have encountered in their patients during the treatment for arthritis. This tendency by CMO to normalize body processes confirms that it functions as an immunomodulator.
It must not be assumed that other patients will enjoy these same secondary benefits. No formal studies have been conducted to confirm that these benefits are repeatable on a consistent basis.
It must be emphasized that any individual with a serious ailment or condition of any sort should consult with and be closely monitored by their relevant health care professional any time that person undertakes any sort of therapeutic or even nutritional program.
January 1997
Subject: CMOTM . and Horses
Our very first experience with horses involved a 19-year-old dressage stallion who is considered to be the best stud horse of that kind on the East Coast. The owners were distressed that the stallion was so severely afflicted with arthritis that he was unable to move out of his stall, much less participate in dressage practice or performances. In addition, the horse was not able to rest well because of the arthritic pain. Equally distressing was the fact that he could no longer perform his breeding duties without resorting to complicated artificial insemination procedures. We are happy to report that after the administration of four bottles of CMO the stallion was waking in the morning refreshed and free of pain and able to practice its dressage maneuvers.
Furthermore tic returned quite comfortably to breeding in the natural way. Needless to say, the owners were overjoyed - and we bet the stallion was too.
Another interesting case involved a 14-year-old mare who had become too lame to walk. In all three years of working with the horse, her trainer found that she had never been able to canter and sometimes just barely managed to trot. The mare had very distinct bulging in the tendons her lower front legs. After two bottles of CMO, the horse was no longer lame and the swollen bulges had disappeared. The mare was able to trot comfortably and even canter again for the first time in years. On a ten point scale estimating pain relief and mobility, the trainer estimated that the horse had improved form a 2.5 level before CMO to a 7.5 level after.
More subtle improvements were evident in a case involving another dressage horse that was progressively becoming more and more resistant to a right lead. In this instance the trainer had already experienced great results with CMO for her own neck and shoulder problems, probably the result of being hauled around an arena by 1000 pound animals for so many years. So why not try CMO on the horse as well? Even before finishing the second bottle the horse lost all resistance to the right lead and showed a marked increase in fluidity of motion which is so important in dressage work.
One horse was conclusively diagnosed as suffering from arthritis by x-ray which clearly revealed the presence of arthritic bone spurs. After administering three bottles of CMO the owner reports that the bone spurs have decreased in size and are disappearing. We are hoping soon to support the visual evaluation with X-Ray confirmation as well.
We recently submitted blood samples of a horse undergoing treatment with CMO for the standard analysis required on the show horse circuit in California. Nothing unusual appeared in the analysis.
Administering CMO to horses call sometimes be a problem with finicky caters. Some owners use a ball gun with great success, but some owners prefer to mix the contents of the capsules in with something of which the horse is particularly fond. Some find that applesauce works well. Others like grated carrots and apples. A commercial oat and molasses mixture often works well too. About 20 capsules a day seem to work well for an average size horse.
CMO has been effective an cats, dogs, hamsters, and pot-bellied pigs for arthritis and hip dysplasia as well. Small animals need only one capsule daily. Two capsules daily for each 50 pounds of body weight.

Re: GLUKOSAMIN & CHONDROITIN: Nahrung fĂĽr die Gelenke
Bei Gelenkschmerzen kann ich auch nur zu einer Kombination von Glukosamin, Chondroitin und Aminosäuren raten.
Es braucht zwar meist einige Tage bis Wochen, damit eine Wirkung eintritt, aber es lohnt sich!
Ich hatte Jahre lang Arthrose und habe auf der Seite https://aminosä einen entsprechenden Artikel über Glukosamin und Chondroitin gelesen. Es auszuprobieren schadet definitiv nicht!
Es braucht zwar meist einige Tage bis Wochen, damit eine Wirkung eintritt, aber es lohnt sich!
Ich hatte Jahre lang Arthrose und habe auf der Seite https://aminosä einen entsprechenden Artikel über Glukosamin und Chondroitin gelesen. Es auszuprobieren schadet definitiv nicht!